tcs-ms website online

16.8.13 new website gone live!

tcs-ms represents GTW

26.7.13 tcs-ms and GTW GmbH Alpen from Alpen-Germany sign representation agreement for the Benelux.   

tcs-ms represents           WELTER zahnrad GmbH

15.7.13 tcs-ms and Welter zahnrad GmbH from Lahr/Schwarzwald-Germany sign representation agreement for the Benelux.

tcs-ms represents
 CAVEX GmbH & Co. KG

15.7.13 tcs-ms and CAVEX GmbH & Co. KG from Ofterdingen-Germany sign representation agreement for the Benelux.


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technical-commercial representation

contracts and claims management

25 years experience in sales and sales supporting roles for international operating suppliers of engineered products and services involved a large variety of contracts and agreements to bring to a succesfull conclusion. Obtaining customer satisfaction and keeping the contracts profitable did not always go easy.

Helping contracts to a positive outcome by starting from an engineering understanding of the proposed solution, respecting very differences in cultures, processes of negociation and decision making, as well as business procedures, all in the context of typical industry practices is quite a challenge and in many cases quite time and cost consuming.

Differences in handling contracts in Germany, the Benelux, UK, France, Spain, Scandinavia, Italy, Northern-Africa, the Middle East, Subsahara-Africa, India, China, Japan or the USA and Canada in similar but still differing industries like f.e. power, oil&gas, petrochemical, process, marine, material handling etc. become often only visable once disputes and issues remain on the table without solution.

In many of above cases tcs-ms can offer support. Support can be offered from our office location or on site in your offices or even abroad if required. Please do not hesitate to rely on the experinence acquired already by tcs-ms !

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