tcs-ms website online

16.8.13 new website gone live!

tcs-ms represents GTW

26.7.13 tcs-ms and GTW GmbH Alpen from Alpen-Germany sign representation agreement for the Benelux.   

tcs-ms represents           WELTER zahnrad GmbH

15.7.13 tcs-ms and Welter zahnrad GmbH from Lahr/Schwarzwald-Germany sign representation agreement for the Benelux.

tcs-ms represents
 CAVEX GmbH & Co. KG

15.7.13 tcs-ms and CAVEX GmbH & Co. KG from Ofterdingen-Germany sign representation agreement for the Benelux.


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tcs-ms starts representing CAVEX Gmbh & Co. KG

July 15th, 2013 CAVEX GmbH & Co. KG from Offerdingen-Germany and tcs-ms agreed to cooperate. tcs-ms will promote and support the commercial activities of CAVEX GmbH & Co. KG in the Benelux market.


"Worm gears are unique. CAVEX® has been proving this time and again for over 50 years in different industrial branches worldwide. The decisive advantage over conventional worm gears: the unique gear geometry. The name CAVEX® says it all, made up of the Latin word concavus, the worm profile, and convexus, the worm wheel profile (hollow flank worm), paired with the convex-shaped worm wheels, CAVEX®-worm gears are far superior to comparable gear units of the same size." 



Ofterdingen - Germany








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