tcs-ms website online

16.8.13 new website gone live!

tcs-ms represents GTW

26.7.13 tcs-ms and GTW GmbH Alpen from Alpen-Germany sign representation agreement for the Benelux.   

tcs-ms represents           WELTER zahnrad GmbH

15.7.13 tcs-ms and Welter zahnrad GmbH from Lahr/Schwarzwald-Germany sign representation agreement for the Benelux.

tcs-ms represents
 CAVEX GmbH & Co. KG

15.7.13 tcs-ms and CAVEX GmbH & Co. KG from Ofterdingen-Germany sign representation agreement for the Benelux.


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3 year service contract for multi-brand turbine sets

After being disappointed by a major OEM, an owner/operator of some incineration plants in the Netherlands decided to qualify service providers and enter into a multi-year frame agreement with the best qualified party for servicing all 10 of the turbine-generator sets.

As these units were supplied over the years by different OEM’s and maintenance was provided by an even larger variety of service providers in cooperation with the sites maintenance staff, a challenging process of capturing the clients preferences; establishing the status of - and required service program for the concerned equipment; qualifying this principle as preferred supplier; followed by detailed contract negotiation including availability of 24/7 hotline were brought to a successful conclusion thus providing an annual base volume of business with on top, yearly specific major maintenance jobs.






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