tcs-ms website online

16.8.13 new website gone live!

tcs-ms represents GTW

26.7.13 tcs-ms and GTW GmbH Alpen from Alpen-Germany sign representation agreement for the Benelux.   

tcs-ms represents           WELTER zahnrad GmbH

15.7.13 tcs-ms and Welter zahnrad GmbH from Lahr/Schwarzwald-Germany sign representation agreement for the Benelux.

tcs-ms represents
 CAVEX GmbH & Co. KG

15.7.13 tcs-ms and CAVEX GmbH & Co. KG from Ofterdingen-Germany sign representation agreement for the Benelux.


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GT controls upgrade and field overhaul

An international service company entered in a back-to-back contract with an Omani service provider for the upgrade of controls and a field overhaul of 2 gas turbines owned by a governmental power station but operated by a third party.


Only after concluding the contract, the very limited availability of required spare parts and overhaul procedures became noticed. The scope of supply and related time schedule needed to be discussed and re-negotiated with all concerned parties more than once.

By a careful balancing of services provided and progress payment nevertheless the units were handed over to the operator for power production whilst a 100% payment of the re-negotiated contract price could be achieved.







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