tcs-ms website online

16.8.13 new website gone live!

tcs-ms represents GTW

26.7.13 tcs-ms and GTW GmbH Alpen from Alpen-Germany sign representation agreement for the Benelux.   

tcs-ms represents           WELTER zahnrad GmbH

15.7.13 tcs-ms and Welter zahnrad GmbH from Lahr/Schwarzwald-Germany sign representation agreement for the Benelux.

tcs-ms represents
 CAVEX GmbH & Co. KG

15.7.13 tcs-ms and CAVEX GmbH & Co. KG from Ofterdingen-Germany sign representation agreement for the Benelux.


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International supply contract with global OEM in the power industry

Following a range of mergers, a global OEM was seeking to bundle its demand of gears from the different production sites, already being supplied by a specialist manufacturer from Europe.
In complex time consuming discussions the quite diverse local requirements, specifications against advantages of scale were discussed with corporate and decentralized parties. 
The result however was that the referred supplier could increase the volume as were the OEM benefited from the achieved advantages of scale.



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